Why Snacks Great When I Gotta Lose Weight?

Elle Brown
3 min readJul 14, 2020

I have learned a lot about myself during this COVID-19 quarantine. I learned that I am completely OK with staying at home for extended periods of time. I learned I am OK not having people over. I learned I am OK not showering and/or washing my hair for extended periods of time. But I also learned I have zero self-control when it comes to snacking!

I typically try to eat pretty healthy as I have found its the best way for me to manage my endometriosis symptoms. But for some reason during this quarantine, I have completely fallen off the bandwagon. I’m not sure if it is boredom, stress, knowing that I am not going to have to see anyone for the foreseeable future or that I haven’t put on jeans in weeks, or a combination of everything.

Why don’t I have any self-control right now?

According to Forbes processed foods are making a comeback. This is in part because most people are not doing their own grocery shopping right now and are opting for entrees with simple ingredients or just going straight to the frozen dinners. Shoppers are also looking for items with longer shelf lives.

Science also claims to have an explanation: we are all stress eating. We are seeking comfort from food. Other reasons: being outside of our normal routine, more access to food throughout the day, and boredom.

How can I eat more mindfully during the quarantine?

If you find yourself mindlessly heading to the kitchen for a snack, your first line of defense should be to evaluate your hunger level. Ask yourself “Am I hungry or am I just bored/worried/stressed/in the kitchen and I see food?” If you do think you are hungry, try some water first. 9 out of 10 times that does the trick for me.

If you are actually hungry and water doesn’t work then make sure you are choosing a snack that will actually reduce your hunger — not just the first thing in sight. And remember to give yourself a single portion. Don’t take the entire bag of chips back to the couch with you!

Plan ahead. When you do your grocery shopping (or ordering) remember to get healthy snacks. I am always guilty of saying “oh I won’t snack this week” and then when the time comes I don’t have any healthy options because I planned on not snacking and then I eat the entire bag of Doritos my husband hides in his truck or the chocolates he hid above the cupboards (I have zero self-control in general so my husband has to hide everything from me!). PLAN TO SNACK!

Try to stick to your normal routine. Eat the same number of meals you were before the quarantine. I have been skipping eating breakfast and lunch and then find myself continually grazing all day. Just by skipping meals and grazing, I am eating two times as many calories as I would have had I just ate regular meals!

Be kind to yourself. If you mess up and snack too much or eat things you normally wouldn’t, don’t hold it against yourself. Don’t get down on yourself. Forgive yourself and move on and try to make better decisions next time. I can be my own worst enemy. If I mess up eating I am so hard on myself and then I eat my feelings and then I get mad at myself and then I eat more feelings and so on and so forth. Its a vicious cycle. Don’t be like me!

If you need inspiration on what to eat during this quarantine check out my recipes for easy, delicious, endo friendly meals and snacks! Head over to www.flourishingwithendo.com for recipes, diet tips and so much more!

Do you have a quarantine snacking fail? Let’s hear it! Comment below!



Elle Brown

I have suffered from endometriosis since I was 13 and have gone through nearly every treatment option out there! My goal is to help others navigate this disease